First Baptist Church of Tampa Children's Ministry

302 W Kennedy Blvd
, FL
, 33606
27° 56' 12.4764" N, 82° 28' 8.796" W
See map: Google Maps
Contact name:
Olivia Dodson
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What our organization offers:
Subjects / Categories:
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate:

We believe that God has placed us in the heart of Tampa to be
Thriving individuals
in a Thriving church
in a Thriving city. This is accomplished by each person Digging In to the Word of God, Growing Up in the faith as an individual and part of the faith community, and Branching Out to make a real difference in Tampa and beyond.
Come visit our Children's Ministry for exciting events like camps, Vacation Bible School, Awana, gym days, Easter egg hunts, Christmas parties, Trunk or Treat, and more! Check out our calendar at!
FBC Tampa partners with other churches through the Tampa Bay Baptist Association, Florida Baptist Convention, and Southern Baptist Convention. We affirm the divine inspiration of Scripture and hold the Bible as inerrant and absolutely authoritative for faith and practice. Our congregation affirms the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
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